Why Your Employees Need Their Own Employee Engagement Dashboards

The employee’s personal dashboard has been an unexpectedly popular feature – people love it. We knew it would be useful, but even we weren’t prepared for how much employees have embraced having their own employee engagement dashboards.

Why has our employee dashboard made such an impact?

On the Engagement Multiplier employee dashboard, employees can see an entire historical overview of their engagement – how they score themselves, how they score the company, and how they score the owner. They can see, over time, the real changes that are happening through the lens of their own scores, and comparing them against scores that are company-wide (all while maintaining anonymity for everyone).

But perhaps even more importantly, employees can see the changes they’ve had a hand in creating.

One of the questions on the Engagement Multiplier survey itself is “What two actions can you personally take in the next 90 days, that aren’t dependent on leadership, to improve overall engagement?”

In the employee engagement dashboard, employees can see all of their previous feedback, including the actions they said they could personally take to improve engagement. Engagement Multiplier has always been an accountability tool, but most people assume it’s to hold business owners and management accountable for delivering the positive changes their employees request. While that’s true, employees are also asked to hold themselves accountable.

We see personal accountability again with the Personal Goal-Setting feature that allows each employee to establish his or her own goals and action items within the employee engagement survey itself.

It’s important to note that personal employee engagement dashboards are only accessible to the individual employees. This is important for maintaining the anonymity that allows for truly honest feedback. But that doesn’t mean there is zero communication between employees and management. The personal dashboard also lets employees make confidential suggestions (using “Your Suggestion Box”) and securely respond to follow-up messages while remaining anonymous.

Importance of Personal Dashboards

Individual employee engagement dashboards make an employee engagement program personal. Rather than a program being enforced by management, it becomes a tool for two-way communication that encourages each individual to become invested in making the business better.

Engagement Multiplier:
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