The People Charter: Let Employees Know You Understand & Care

As the dust starts to settle and we move into the post-Covid era, we are seeing a dramatic shift in employee expectations and what they are seeking from their employers.

A sense of belonging.

Psychological safety.

Concern for their physical wellbeing.

Support for their mental health in the workplace.

Worryingly, the efforts many organisations have made have fallen wide of the mark – unbeknownst to leaders. A report from IBM’s Business Intelligence Unit titled “Closing the Chasm,” concluded that, in general, employers significantly overestimate the effectiveness of their efforts to support employees.  For example, 80% of executives agreed or strongly agreed when asked if their companies were supporting the physical and mental health of their employees. However, when employees were asked the same question, only 46% agreed.

So, for leaders, the imperatives are manifold: determining how to best support their employees, finding the truth about how their employees are faring, and communicating with them in a meaningful way.

Here’s the good news. Engagement Multiplier has created a simple approach that will help your leadership team accomplish these critical tasks.

It will work for any team, it’s easy, and we’ve created a guide that walks you through the steps.

At the end of the process, you will have created your organisation’s first People Charter, a simple and powerful way to communicate to your people the employee experience the company aims to deliver and frames that experience in how leaders hope employees will perceive and feel about working for the organisation.

What makes this exercise so different from work you may have done previously on the company’s mission, vision and values statements is the clear focus on how your employees feel.  And before you get too squeamish about the idea of focusing on feelings, understand that feelings are what drive human behaviour, and they always have. Your employees are no different.

You will find that by aligning leadership on how you want your employees to feel and sharing your People Charter with your employees, you will close perception gaps and be in a position to deliver in a meaningful way the aims the company has for its people.

Businesses that will triumph in 2021 and beyond are those that can show that they care about their employees’ feelings and create an environment that provides a profound sense of belonging. The process of creating and publishing your company’s People Charter will also lay the essential groundwork for building that sense of belonging for your people.

It’s impossible to know all of the problems that exist in your business, but it is both possible and practical to let your employees know that you care and to therefore garner the insight and information needed to deliver an exceptional employee experience. This guide provides you with a structure and framework to do just that.

You can download your free copy today with my compliments and best wishes.


“Creating Your Organisation’s People Charter” UK English

“Creating Your Organization’s People Charter” US English

Stefan Wissenbach: Stefan is a successful entrepreneur, author and thought leader who is passionate about the transformational impact of engagement on businesses. He has spent over 25 years helping business owners create more connected, productive and energised teams that improve business performance, creativity, and entrepreneurial capability and freedom. He is the Founder of Engagement Multiplier and The Magic Future Foundation and speaks regularly at conferences and events throughout the UK, Europe and America. In recent years, engaging your employees and harnessing their potential has become a hot topic in the business world. Get it right, and the results are remarkable. Get it wrong and it can destroy a company. As the world is gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners are seeking answers to help them navigate change and challenges, emerge stronger and create opportunity out of adversity. Now, more than ever, Stefan’s thought-provoking, straightforward, proven approach helps business owners and leaders create tighter cultures, more connected, engaged and agile teams, that is appreciated by businesses all over the world.
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