There are probably areas in your life and in your work where you procrastinate, self-sabotage, or worry to the point of mental paralysis. You may not even realize that you have bad work habits or that your productivity is suffering. Now that it’s a new year, it’s time to get re-energized. Here are some helpful practices that will reinvigorate your motivation and help you make this year your most profitable yet!
1. Make Daily Lists
Lists help to make your day more productive by prioritizing what needs to be done and what can be put off. This way, you maximize your time and energy without feeling burned out or panicked.
2. Set Daily Goals
If you’re working on a large project with a team of other people, setting daily goals provides direction and motivation for each person. People that set goals are more productive and focused, allowing for a higher level and better quality of output.
3. Meditate
Meditating, even for a mere five minutes, a day has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, reduce age-related memory loss, and promote healthier, more restful sleep.
4. Exercise
Exercise not only helps you to lose weight or feel more energetic, but it also decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis. It also helps keep your mind healthy to ward off depression and anxiety.
5. Limit Screen Time
The more screen time you engage in, the less productive and creative you are. When you procrastinate by scrolling through social media, you rob yourself of valuable time and an important sense of community with friends and coworkers. If you take a break to check personal messages or watch YouTube videos, set a timer.
6. Progress Over Perfection
If everyone waited to be perfect, or for the perfect circumstances, before they took action, nothing would ever get done. Even if you feel unprepared or inexperienced, start anyway. A tiny step each day is still progress towards achieving your goal.
7. Feed Your Brain
Successful people are committed to learning whether it’s for their own personal development or to help their business be more successful. Spend 15 minutes every day indulging in some mind food. Try to learn something new every single day.
8. Don’t Regret Your Mistakes
Mistakes will be made at some point. Be accountable, take responsibility for your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up over it. Focus on what you learned and how you can grow from it.
9. Focus On Results
Successful people care more about great end results than how someone got them. Ask yourself if you’re doing things in the most efficient way possible to maximize your productivity. If you come up with a better way to do things, share it with your supervisors. All great leaders love creative, forward-thinking minds.
10. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Successful people recognize that someone else’s success doesn’t take away from their own. They don’t have time to worry about what someone else is doing because they’re so focused on their own gigantic goals and aspirations. Great practice for a positive mindset is to think about all the wonderful attributes someone has that you strive to have.
If you want to be successful, don’t overload yourself. Maximize your time and energy by being more mindful at the moment. Taking more on doesn’t mean increasing productivity or accomplishing more.
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Lauren J Gall
Managing Partner
VaVa Virtual Assistants