What Employees Think of Engagement Surveys

We spend a lot of time describing the benefits of employee engagement at the macro level, describing the gains companies realize in productivity, reductions in absenteeism, and improved employee retention. It’s also important to consider how engagement surveys impact individual employee experience.

In my role, I spend quite a bit of time talking to our clients, reviewing survey results, helping them parse the data, and discussing the next steps the company can consider. Last week, one such conversation revealed an extraordinary set of employee responses to the question, “How does taking this survey make you feel?”

What makes this set of answers so interesting is the fact that the client has been using Engagement Multiplier for more than three years. These comments were from the twelfth survey the company has fielded.

I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback and hope it will contribute to improving our company.

Good. This company does a good job of making employees feel important and heard.

I feel really good about the direction of [Company] at this time. Taking this survey reminds me of the very reason I continue to be here.

It is comforting to see the company taking feedback in an anonymous way, seeking ways to improve. Plan, do, check, act is a great method and I believe this is the ‘check’ portion.

The survey made me feel like my opinion matters. It makes me feel like I’m not a cog in the machine.

It makes me feel that I have the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings freely and safely without fear of punishment or discouragement.

So how does a company continue to generate this sort of response, three years and twelve surveys into the program?

Simple. They show results!

Plan. Do. Check. Act.

One of the comments above succinctly describes how it’s done: Plan. Do. Check. Act. The leadership team has clearly created a “we’re in this together” spirit and have acted on prior feedback. Employees see the survey as a direct conduit to the leadership team for their thoughts and ideas. And, by listening and responding to what employees are really thinking and saying in near real-time, rather than trying to guess, leadership is reinforcing that same spirit of unity, building more trust and cooperation with their teams.

Engagement surveys are like a conversation between two people. A great conversation requires give and take from both sides. Both parties need to follow the path of the conversation, expanding on ideas, and using questions to guide the discussion down different paths. Keeping this analogy in mind will help leaders ensure surveys provide not just a healthy flow of information for the executive team, but a rewarding employee experience, as well.

Danica Wasser:
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