Engagement Multiplier’s Top eBooks, White Papers, & Articles in 2021

It’s time to wrap up another year at Engagement Multiplier and to celebrate the year coming to a close, we’ve decided to share our twelve most popular employee engagement articles and guides from 2021. If you’ve been paying attention to our social media channels, you’ve had a sneak peek at some of the pieces through our #12DaysofEngagement campaign. If not, no worries. We’re packaging them together here for you to read at your leisure.

Over the last year, we’ve written over 100 articles, several eBooks, white papers, and guides, all meant to help fulfill our mission of unlocking potential and improving lives. We’re sharing these with you in the hope they do just that.

Here are our most popular pieces of the last year:

1. Workplace Wellbeing: A Simple Guidebook for Leaders

The pandemic had a major impact on the workplace, including the expansion of what defines wellbeing. It increased the focus on safety and accelerated workplace discussions about mental health, work-life balance, and support for employees who are parents or caregivers. Additionally, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace became more urgent needs for many and became inextricably related to an employee’s experience and wellbeing. This ebook unpacks these changes and provides ideas on how to move forward in this space.

2. How to Get an Edge in Today’s Job Market

In today’s hot job market, employers are raising salaries to compete for talent. But, raising wages only leaves you in a spiral of costs and can quickly lead to wage compression. Our article outlines a strategy you can use to compete successfully and more importantly, sustainably.

3. A Tactical Guide for Employee Retention

As people leave their jobs at a record rate and hiring is increasingly difficult, it becomes even more crucial for leaders to retain the talent they have. Our eBook will help you understand how to spot problem areas in your business, why employees are leaving, and actions you can take now to retain your people.

4. The Era of Belonging: White Paper

Employees’ priorities have changed post-Covid. There’s no doubt about it. Employees are looking for more than just a paycheque, they’re looking for a sense of belonging at work. The good news for employers is high belonging has been linked to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. This in-depth white paper will help you understand how to foster belonging in your workplace and in turn, reap the benefits.

5. The Benefit of Employee Engagement: Improving Your Bottom Line

Employee engagement isn’t just about happy, productive employees. It can actually improve your bottom line. Engaged organisations see decreases in absenteeism, lower turnover, and direct increases in profitability. This article outlines why and how engagement measurably improves your bottom line.

6. Five Steps to Creating Your Engaged Purpose

An Engaged Purpose details the transformation you are trying to create and inspires your team while providing the structure and framework to align daily activities with the larger aspirations of the company. It makes growing a business easier by simplifying difficult decisions and making an uncertain future easier to navigate. This quick, five-step guide will help you create an Engaged Purpose that works for your organisation.

7. Threats to Company Culture Post-Covid: White Paper

The pandemic created a unique set of challenges affecting employees that are in turn degrading company culture, morale, and business performance. This white paper defines the impact Covid-19 has had on organisations, and explains the four key threats to business recovery. Plus, it provides a solution to protect company culture that unites and motivates employees.

8. How to Achieve Empathy in the Workplace at Scale

Empathetic leadership is nothing new, but it’s becoming a real necessity as leaders face continued uncertainty, increasing rates of employees needing mental health support, and mass resignations. But can you really achieve empathy at scale, organisation-wide? Yes. This article provides four steps you can use to achieve empathetic leadership.

9. Creating Your Organisation’s People Charter: Workbook

As we start to move into the post-Covid era, we are seeing a dramatic shift in employee expectations and what they are prioritising in terms of employee experience. A sense of belonging is the number one thing they crave. For many leaders, this is a daunting change. How does one create a sense of belonging? This guide will provide you with a structure and framework that will lay the foundation for developing belonging for your organisation. Best of all, it will work for any team.

10. Keeping Remote Teams Engaged & Productive: eBook

Many organisations are coming to terms with the fact that remote work is here to stay, at least in some capacity. Ensuring teams remain productive, connected, and engaged is of utmost importance during this critical time of recovery for businesses. This ebook combines our expertise in employee engagement with real-world experiences shared by our clients and is designed to address the top concerns leaders have with managing remote teams, and keeping them engaged and productive.

11. Why is Employee Engagement so Important?

The importance of employee engagement can’t be overstated – employee engagement has been proven to reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and efficiency, improve customer service and retention, and deliver higher profits. Having an engaged team makes your business easier to run, and allows leaders to focus on higher-value activities, such as innovation, process improvement, and development. Our most popular article of all time shows why employee engagement is crucial for business success.

12. Top Engagement Trends for 2022

The Great Resignation. Labor shortages. Working from home. These forces and many more are impacting employees worldwide. This webinar unpacks the key engagement trends emerging so you can keep your people motivated and your culture strong. Get practical ideas and tactics for improving employee engagement, morale, performance, and retention, as well as strategies for handling some of the difficult challenges today’s environment presents.

We hope this list is useful to you, and more importantly, we wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and joyous holiday season.

Hailey Doctor:
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