“The Great Resignation” has been in the headlines for months now, and almost every business owner I speak to these days is feeling the pressure. However, I believe the focus on the word “resignation” is causing some to overlook a hidden opportunity: the opportunity to reset.
To that end, I propose we think instead of The Great Reset, and channel our energy toward running businesses that delight customers and engage our employees, allowing them to flourish.
Hear me out on this.
For many, myself included, the last two years have been lost. Growth has stalled, our marketplaces have become fragmented, and we’ve been on our heels, pivoting, reacting, and focusing on survival.
It has been exhausting for everyone, and people are ready to just be done with Covid. They want to get on with their lives. And I quite agree!
Putting the pandemic behind us fundamentally starts with switching our mindset to one of resetting and rebuilding.
Our mindsets are within our individual control, however, the choice to embrace a different viewpoint isn’t necessarily easy. Getting yourself there can take some work. Here’s a checklist to help you stay on track and adopt the firm footing of a forward-looking mindset focused on resetting and rebuilding.
- Consider where you want your business to be in three to five years.
- Where are the growth opportunities?
- What new capabilities need to be developed?
- What changes need to be made to company culture to support your vision?
- Understand where your business and your people are, right now.
- What is working? What isn’t working?
- Where are the talent gaps you need to fill to achieve your future vision?
- Where do your people stand? What’s their mindset?
- Where is the culture in relation to your ideal?
Before you can rebuild, it’s important to understand where you are today, in the context of your future vision. That’s why contemplating elements such as the cultural direction of the organisation, employee morale and retention, and any gaps in talent or organisational capability are so necessary. These are the foundations of future growth, and they’re also the framework for your new focus on resetting and rebuilding. Ensuring the efforts you make today align with your future plans will increase the likelihood of your success.
So if you’re tired and are feeling a bit battle-worn, like you’ve been constantly fighting the rearguard action and reacting, I encourage you to take some time to understand where things are right now, do a reset and then make a plan to rebuild. This is essential for both your business and your employees. Doing a reset and crafting a rebuilding plan of your own will be as energising for your team as it will be for you.